
Welcome to Plymouth!

Listed below are services that are provided in Plymouth. Feel free to call us at City Hall at (641) 696-3363 with any questions or concerns you may have. Check us out also on Facebook.

Water and Sewer Service:

City of Plymouth - 696-3363 or (641) 430-1679

Plymouth Post Office:


Local Newspaper:

Globe Gazette - 421-0500   and Manly Junction Signal

The Globe Gazette is the designated city newspaper for legal notices and council meeting proceedings. City notices are posted at the Plymouth Post Office, North Iowa Cooperative Elevator (NICE), and the City Hall.

Electric Services:

Alliant Energy - (800) 255-4268

Phone and Internet Services:

Omnitel Communications - (641) 749-2531

Garbage and Recycling Services:

City of Plymouth - 696-3363
Absolute Waste Removal - (641) 357-4517

The City of Plymouth contracts garbage and recycling services out to Absolute Waste Removal. All charges for these services are billed by the City.

Library Services:

Manly Public Library - (641) 454-2982

The Manly Public Library provides city residents with free library services. Showing your Manly Library card gives you library privileges at any other library in the State of Iowa.

Important Forms for new residents.

Contact Us

(641) 696-3363

(641) 696-3419

City Hall Office Hours
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

616 Broad St, P.O. Box 278
Plymouth, IA 50464

Service Area
Plymouth, Iowa

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